Eco Defense Group Provides Helicopter Fast Rope Training for Firefighters in Table Mountain National Park
EDGE Provides Helicopter Fast Rope Training for Firefighters in Table Mountain National Park
March 15, 2020
At the request of the Department of Defense Cooperation (US Embassy, South Africa), EDGE began a program to offer a unique “special ops” skill to help protect a National Park in South Africa last month.
EDGE is extremely proud to work with the US Consulate in Cape Town, @nccfire, @tablemountainnationalpark @sanparks to support the brave firefighters protecting Table Mountain National Park.
EDGE experts have the opportunity to bring fastrope techniques to these men and women to so they can drop directly form a hovering helicopter to get ahead of quick moving fires.
EDGE is a proud friend of South Africa National Parks and is devoted to supporting and enhancing the mission to protect these national treasures.
Wildlife Special Ops means offering unique solutions for wild places and the communities that protect them.
EDGE is proud to work with @usconsulatect @TableMountainNP to support brave firefighters protecting Table Mountain National Park.
EDGE taught fastrope techniques to these men and women to so they can drop directly form a hovering helicopter to get ahead of quick moving fires.
US ConsulateCapeTown✔@USConsulateCT
On request from the Office of Defense Cooperation, U.S. NGO @EcoDefenseGroup , Incorporated facilitated a multi-day skills training program with @SANParks & @NCCWildfires firefighters.
See US ConsulateCapeTown's other Tweets
Thanks to @EcoDefenseGroup and @USConsulateCT for providing expert training in fast roping to our crews for insertion in event of wildfires in inaccessible sites.
Brainchild of Philip Prins from @TableMountainNP - this is just another way we increase our effectiveness at fires
See NCC Wildfires's other Tweets